Word Art World

I am a SAHM of three beautiful children and the happy wife of a wonderful man, who serves in the military. I am from Utah, originally, but have lived in Ohio, Japan, Arizona and now Texas.

Before having children, I graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Japanese and English education, and then taught Japanese at The Waterford School in Utah to both junior high- and high school-aged kids---and I loved it, but don't necessarily miss the work of it!Â
My hobbies include drawing, reading, playing the piano, home decorating and digital design, of course! I also enjoy going for bike rides with my family, hanging out with good friends, watching movies, watching The Office and The Big Bang Theory, and playing games with my kids. Our favorite is Apples to Apples !

I discovered Photoshop a few years ago and quickly fell in love with designing digital scrapbook materials---and for now, that is something I enjoy doing in my spare time (after the kids are in bed, of course!) I thoroughly enjoy creating high-quality, unique scrapbooking materials for others to use in preserving their memories and hope to be able to do it for many years to come.
Most Recent Designs

Sweet Dreams WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Loved Word Art
Price: $3.99

Our Little Star WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Sweet on You WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Photo Stamps No 2 WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Big Shot WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

True Love WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Always WAW WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Be Grateful WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Page Starters Vol 2 WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Captured WAW WordArt Pack
Price: $3.99

Journal Strips Word Art Pack
Price: $3.99