Main Gallery
I have just been playing around with MM,and the sepia tool, not sure about this LO.Don't know if I hate it or love it. LOL!!! It is a picture of our new puppy Jewels, she is a English Bulldog Mini, she is 5 months old. I came down stairs one day and found her wearing one of my daughters old t-shirts , and she wasn't thirilled about it at all! Of course my daughter was, and loves to dress her up, anytime she can.
The kit is from "splendid" and is free!!!!!!,
at 04:36AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
This is soooo cute. I love the idea that your daughter dresses Jewels in her cloths... You & Annirana responded to me about getting MM2 previously and I finally did purchase it this past Friday - I absolutely LOVE it. But, I don't know alot - so, I have questions - seems to take awhile for answers when I email Customer Service. Thought maybe you could help. How do I post layouts on the MM Gallery? I did go to the websites you all recommended and downloaded free fonts.. but, cannot figure out how to download the ribbons - borders - pages - brushes etc. My computer wants to put it all in Paintshop pro. Any information or hints etc. from you & Annirana are greatly appreciated... You both have done great work!!! "THANK YOU"...
at 06:18AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Thank you, I am so glad you got it, isn't it great!
Okay to post to the gallery
1. Login
2. after you are logged on, On the top right side of MM homepage click on your name. click on design submissions
4. click on submit a design.
5. Fill in the fields, Title, description etc.
6. click submit
7. Next it will take you to"view user design" click on the box for primary image.
8. click on browse- find the MM file with you album and layouts, select the page or layout you want ant hit
9. Your done!, or you can add more layouts to the primary image, or upload them individually if they are different... your choice!
I hope this makes sense, let me know if you have problems.
at 06:32AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
heres what I do-
When I download a kit or freebie, I have a file on my desktop labeled Digital kits, I download directly to that file. I then unzip the file also called extract all files.( you must do this) In order to use the kits that are not MM, you must insert the pieces one at a time into your layout as a photo. So when I want to use something from my digital kits, click on insert photo, click on the desktop files, scroll down to my "digital kits, double click, and then browse through and find what I want. This may sound confusing, but it is pretty easy after you get the hang of it.
You would put in a "quick page" or premade page as a photo the same way
So make a folder, then when you download your goodies make sure you are putting them into that folder. That way you will always have them available, they may still go into Paint Shop pro, but you should be able to use them right from your folder you designate for digi stuff.
I have collected and bought a bunch of kits that are not MM, so now I am in the process of organizing them, in folders with in my Digital kit folder, by categories, like "girls, holidays, school, pets, vacation, etc.
Hopefully this helps. I can't wait to see your stuff.
let me know if this helps you out
at 06:51AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Thank you soooo much... You are always "very" helpful. I am @ work but, will print this and try it @ home. I did have to figure out how to extract the files for the fonts... so, I am headed in the right direction...(I think) Ha. Thanks.. (I love to clean house but, now w/ MM2 I don't want to get off of the computer!)
at 07:11AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
opps!! I forgot something really IMPORTANT- when you want to upload to the gallery, you must first export your page as a JPEG file, save it to a folder, then when you browse your files, pick the file you saved it to as a JPEG.
To save as a JPEG, on MM, click on SHARE, EXPORT as JPEG>>it will then walk you through the steps.
Sorry about that!!!!
at 07:13AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
you are welcome, hopefully I didn't leave anything else out if I did, fill free to email me at if you need help.
Good Luck!
at 08:08AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Thanks again... I have a feeling you will be hearing from me... I will let you know how it goes or if I need more help. My email is: Again, Thank you very much!
at 10:35AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
I love it!!!
at 11:38AM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Well, I can't let you ladies have ALL the chat! MM needs to have a chat forum! I've e-mailed and called them about it. I also think they should have a designer gallery, where you can click on someone's screen name and pull up all of their submissions at once. Jenna, sounds like Jesse filled you in on all the details. And what the H#LL is all this "I like to clean house" buisiness? Do you have a fever! VIVA LA REVALUCION! MM all the way, all the day!!! LOL!!! P.S. That puppy is absolutely scrumptious! Hope you have lot's of newspaper!
at 01:55PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
annirana, I am going to email MM and request the same things, and also to be able to search the gallery would be nice to ( like for example search all Christmas layouts etc.). If they get several requests maybe they will do it! Made me laugh when Jenna said she likes to clean house too. Today instead of going to the grocery store when Paige was at school ( because we have absolutely nothing in the house) I was creating layouts, fueling my addiction to MM. So needless to say we ordered pizza for dinner!! My husband just shook his head and smiled. he's a good guy! We have had Jewels since the beginning of July, so she is pretty much potty trained, but The first month, I should have invested in stock in our local newspaper! So glad that is done and over with! Have a good night-
at 01:56PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
thank you audosborne it is starting to grow on me :)
at 02:36PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Hey.... Thanks for all your help... I just posted my 1st layout of my little girl - Kameron. Ok... Ok... I'm really starting to change my mind about house cleaning.. .ha. I agree with you both about emailing MM- your ideas are great. I did cook tonight for the kids.. but, my husband is in Canada working right now.. so, lets just say... I will not be cooking much... This is way too much fun !!!
at 02:48PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Pizza Rocks!!! By the way, my name is Andrea. (annirana comes from the first 2 letters of mine and my childrens names- AN drea,NI ck, RA inee, NA than=ANNIRANA)
at 02:50PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Jenna-- see, it starts out little by little.........before you know it you will have your kids cooking and cleaning for you! Just kidding! LOL!!!
at 02:55PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Hi Andrea, that was a creative way to come up with your user name. My name is Jessica, but I go by Jess, Jesse, or even "hey you" Just kidding! I emailed MM and put in the request- hopefully they will add those features to the web site.
at 05:19PM on Tuesday September 18, 2007
Yes Jessica - your prob. right - the kids will be cooking for me before I know it... waffles and cereal.. (ha) but cleaning... that will take a long time.. Andrew is 9 and still cannot remember to flush the toilet... I am not as creative as you all ... my name is just "Jenna"... It's been really nice chatting w/ you both.. I feel like I've known you for years!
at 05:49AM on Wednesday September 19, 2007
Hey.. Can I get in on this conversation it's very interesting. My name is Ruth, and my e-mail address is i always have to explain that..... when my brother was just learning to talk, he couldn't say Ruth, it came out "bush".... and thus was born a nickname. See if you can guess what the "aud" stands for. I too have lots of questions... I don't bother e-mailing MM if I have questions, I just call the toll free numbler. They probably hate that, but they've been very nice. I'ts funny, but some of the best effects I have created were mistakes. Maybe we could start our own chat room if MM won't do it. By the way, I ran across a quote " I eat, I sleep, I scrap.....what do you do?", does this describe us?
at 08:53AM on Wednesday September 19, 2007
Come on in Ruth! I LOVE that quote! I just heard back from MM, here's what they said " We have noticed that there are many of you who would like a chat forum. (I receive all of the comments submitted to the page gallery to my e-mail so I have read that many are wanting it) We are looking into creating one. "
Hopefully in the near future. I would love if they did what a lot of the other web sites did, and do challenges with new products, and of course offer freebies like most other digital sites do. Wouldn't that be great as well . They could even offer chats with the kit designers. Anywho, nice to meet you fine ladies, I look forward to chatting with you again.
at 11:42AM on Wednesday September 19, 2007
Fantastic...... half the fun of this is seeing other peoples work and chatting with them, ....well I think, I'll go eat now.
at 05:28AM on Thursday September 20, 2007
Yes I think its Fantastic too, and I love chatting and seeing everyone's work as well. It gives me something different to look forward to everyday, and inspires me to do things with my layouts that I wouldn't have thought of!
at 01:22PM on Wednesday September 26, 2007 ur layouts! I'm learning quite a bit from you! (ie.....the layered look) That had me stumped until you said something about using "Add Photo" to add your pieces. Thanks ~ Melissa
at 01:41AM on Thursday September 27, 2007
Thank you! You are welcome Melissa, I just started a couple months ago, and I am still learning as well. If you need any help just ask, everyone here is really helpful :)